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Our prime aim is your safety and our Church Health Team has approved our risk assessment and plans for operating. 


Inevitably we have to operate under specific guidelines and whilst they may appear onerous we hope they will also give you confidence to join us again.

  1. Booking in will be essential, so we can conform with data protection legislation, which requires us to keep a temporary record of members for 21 days to assist, if needed, in any contact tracing by the NHS Test and Trace Service.

  2. You can book yourself in until the Tuesday lunchtime, before the Wednesday. This via phone on 07984 030936, or via email to (Your request via email will be acknowledged and your booking confirmed.)

  3. You will be welcomed at the front door. There may be a need to queue at a 2-metre distance from each other at the entrance if there is a sudden rush of people. In the foyer please use the hand sanitizer. You will be escorted from the foyer to a seat, wearing a mask, provided by yourself and there will be hand sanitizers on each table.  If you would like to specifically sit with someone in Cameo, then please come in together, perhaps arranging to meet in the car park in the first instance. 

  4. You will be sat at each corner of a table giving a distance of 2 metres between each person. 6 pairs of tables will allow 24 to be present, with a max of 28 if necessary with one table in the rear hall. We will also be encouraging you to adhere to social distancing at all times whilst you are in the church. Chairs, tables, equipment, toilets and door handles will be cleaned before you come and after you leave. 

  5. Tea / coffee will be served in disposable containers, along with pre-packaged biscuits and prepared in the kitchen. Masks need not be worn by anyone seated at a table, as we are eating/drinking. However if anyone needs to leave their seat they will need to signal this intention, put on a face mask and be escorted. All leaders and volunteers, unless sitting at one of the defined seats will wear a face mask. 

  6. Windows will all be open – please bring a warm jacket/coat in case of need. 

  7. Toilets at the front of the church are to be used one at a time (men and women) so as to avoid crossing in the small toilet lobby area.  Please use the provided hand sanitizer both before and after using the toilet. 

  8. When leaving at the end we will use the backdoor, ensuring a safe 2 metre gap between each other. 


May we please emphasise:

  1. Do not come if you or anyone living with you have any of the symptoms associated with COVID-10, or if you are still ‘shielding’ . 

  2. Those over 70 years of age are deemed to be of high risk. Whilst we are happy that our plans meet the requirements, you may still wish to consider whether to come or not. 


We have already said that we appreciate all these guidelines may appear onerous, but they are needed to meet government guidelines and we hope they will also give you confidence to join us again. 


Do contact one of us if you have any queries or concerns give a ring on 07906 100065 or email


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